Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Now is the time!

I just got excited again. Not that I haven't been excited, but I was a little sad about leaving everything I've come to love in these last three years.

I thought I'd be used to it by now... I felt the same way after high school, the same way after moving to Bourbon. Now I'm feeling it again and I know I will when it's time to leave vet school.

Growing up sucks.

The Cards game on Saturday was fun, but I realized that Dr. Welsh reached a whole new level of professor evilness when I found myself sitting, at the Cards game, with my microbiology book open on my lap and my final spread out in front of me. Yeah. That got me some strange looks. We went out to Outback for dinner after the game, and I learned that my sister doesn't understand rhetorical questions. For example, if I, glancing at the last piece of delicious warm bread, ask the rest of the table, "Does anyone want that?" most people would say, "No, go ahead!" or "Nope, all yours." Teri, on the other hand, pounces on the bread and pops it in her mouth with the gusto that would accompany a line such as "Don't mind if I do!" or "Hey, thanks for offering, I didn't even see that there!" Thus the demise of the last piece of delicious warm bread.

On Monday, I went out to eat for breakfast with my World Lit class. It was fun and I'm glad I went, but it was sort of unnecessary. Professor Cole, Vykky, Amanda, and I went out to Trailhead for lunch (noticing a trend here? Too much food!) These three people are just about my favorite people in the world... I had such a good time that I forgot to be sad until we were leaving. Sigh.

Then it was time to go to Dr. Little's. Even though I only see these people about once a week, I'm super attached to them. Luckily we were just the right balance of busy to allow us to chat and have fun, but stay busy enough that I wasn't thinking about the fact it was my last day there. Beth bought a huge delicious cake for me (ahem... more food. Tora's weight loss plan was SHOT DOWN over these few days) and we all enjoyed.

Dr. Little's son stayed with us at the clinic for awhile. What a cute kid! His favorite word is "No" and he uses it all. the. time. I'm going to try to hang out at Elm Point a couple days before I head off to MU and maybe over Thanksgiving break. I miss those people already :-(.

And I have to edit my paper for biochem, write up a cheat sheet for biostats, buy AAA batteries for my calculator, and pack up my room. Then I am done with this life and headed towards the next.

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