Thursday, April 12, 2012

Too little, too late

So... January 22nd, 2012... that was the last time I posted.

Sorry to all those who've mentioned my lack of attentiveness.

Who would have thought-- vet school is hard work! Actually, vet school hasn't been that unbearable. I still have time to go home, goof off, watch 7 episodes of How I Met Your Mother in a row, train dogs, and do school. As long as I avoid housework, I've got plenty of time.

So, highlights-- I finished IP3, the "hell block." I broke my A-B streak that I've been maintaining since 4th grade. Oh well. It's very liberating. C=DVM.

I took my (well, my brother's) FANTABULOUS Border Collie, Janie, to our first rally trial since 2006. Walked in the ring, scored a 95+/100 and took second place!!!!! This dog is truly amazing. We didn't score as well on the second day, because Janie was over-zealous for two stations and we had to repeat them. We scored 93/100. If we hadn't repeated those two stations, we would have had a 99/100. She was so happy to be back. We've got more trials lined up this summer. I'm planning to get as many titles as financially possible this year.

PS-- if you don't know what rally is, look it up. It is a great dog sport that anyone and any dog can do.

I went to the SAVMA symposium in Indiana. The symposium was fun, but the best parts were the Shedd Aquarium, where we got to see belugas and Altantic dolphins. And I got snotted on by a baby beluga. Legit.

I also went to the Indianapolis Zoo, where I got to see a walrus and and seals. I got a picture of me standing next to the seals. Dr. Seals, get it?

Then, over Spring Break, Stacy took me, Amanda, and Bree to the Smoky Mountains. That was truly a life experience. I haven't seen true mountains, just the Ozarks, so I was amazed. We hiked and saw two young black bears. The next day, we went horseback riding-- that was my first time back in the saddle since the accident, so I was of course a little nervous but ended up having a great time. My horse, Tim, was a "good ol' mountain pony," as per the guide. Tim was, in fact, not a pony, but a huge draft cross. After the trail ride, we chowed down on some amazing giant cupcakes. Good times.

I've decided to become a runner. I am finishing up week three of Couch to 5k. I am severely disgusted with myself about my lack of fitness. I was confident I could run a mile-- not so. I am walk/running three miles every other day. I am shooting for a 5k in June.

Back at the ranch, we are smack in the middle of kidding season. So many babies abound! This year, our name theme is country song titles. Teri is going more contemporary, while I am sticking with classic country songs. So far I think we are keeping most/all of the does.

If you aren't a fan already, please "like" our farm page at!/pages/Eriphos-Farm/110900439012266.

If you aren't my friend, feel free to add me ;-)

Until next time, hopefully sooner than 3 months, stay safe and happy Spring!