Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eish! An Update!

Well, I'd say it's been a bit too long. ESPECIALLY because I have good news!


Really, I'm more excited than that. This has been my dream forever, so the fact that I've finally reached it? Pure heaven. Now there is just a ton to do.

I received my acceptance from the University of Missouri-Columbia's College of Veterinary Medicine on March 26th, 2011. I mailed my $100 deposit and acceptance form the Monday following.

Yippee! So here's my list of things to do:

Rock at least a C in all my classes (check! First time I've not had to worry about my grades!)
Check out housing... my bestie and I are hoping to find a place together.
$ave $ave $ave.
Figure out finanacial aid.
And have fun this summer.

I got my summer job back, as a tour guide. It's going to be fantastic again. Really, that job made my summer 2010 the best ever, and I hope 2011 is better! I want to kayak a bit and backback some, and get Nike to some trials to get her CD and RN titles (obedience and rally competition awards, for those who aren't aware). 

So that's the news on the school front. Just have a few more exams, a couple papers, finals, and 4 1/2 weeks of undergrad!!!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... we have a lovely crop of kids on the ground. Actually they are just ready to be weaned, which means that our whole herd dynamic is about to change. Not so fun.

The babies go in the weaning pen, but so does Misty, so her boys will have to stay in the field with all the other mommies. And of course some mommies are crazy and try to jump fences, so we've got to keep an eye on that. Yay children.

Quinn, my older Nubian doe, has been stringing us along for several weeks now. We don't have an exact due date on her, so we are just impatiently waiting.

And, I guess word has gotten out around our new town that we are a family of goatherdesses. Someone called the Goatherdess Mother about some loose goats. So, what do we do?

Why, we load up in the Goatmobile and go searching. Unfortunately we were only able to get our hands on one. We're still searching for the others. We brought the captive one home and gave her plenty of water and some food. She is very dehydrated but doing better. Now, to find her rightful goatherd/ess... that is the trick.

Well, I'm off to go work on my speech for Friday. My topic is "How to make your pet a STAR." So far, it's pretty excellent, I must say.

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