Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Helloooo Friday!!!

You are so close, yet so far away. Gah. It's only Wednesday.

Not much of an update, but I am procrastinating. I don't WANT to study (or cram, at this point) for my micro practical. Or my anatomy exams.

I just finished physiology. PRAISE JESUS.

I have no idea if I got a B or a C in that class. I had a 79.93 going into the final. I needed a 96/120 to get a B. I didn't check my score.

Now it's just a written Micro exam, a practical Micro exam, a written Anatomy exam, and a practical Anatomy exam.

So a little tip for anyone planning to take part in a professional program-- don't let grades rule your life. Have a life outside of school. Have fun. Watch that television show. Read a fiction novel. Take your dogs to the park every day.

My extracurriculars are varied and numerous because I get bored easily and am easily distracted... probably didn't know that ;-)

I usually have a book I read for a chapter or two before I fall asleep. That is my constant, every day "fun" or "me" time.

I also take dog training classes with at least one of my dogs at all times, so that means I have class one or two nights a week. SO much fun and definitely gets my mind off school.

I tend to have some crafty project going all the time.

If I don't go home on a particular weekend, I make sure to plan time to take the dogs to one of the two (insert shameless advertisement here-->) FANTASTIC MO State Parks nearby-- Rock Bridge Memorial or Finger Lakes. Both preserve and interpret the best of Missouri's natural landscapes and cultural landmarks and provide recreation for all ;-p. Seriously, they are fabulous parks and I enjoy taking a few hours on Sunday afternoons to get out and play.

And above all, I find time to go HOME. Home home. Bourbon home. I was pretty scared coming into vet school because it was a rare, rare weekend when I didn't go home during undergrad. I decided to try coming home every third weekend at first. In reality, I was going home every other weekend, and then there was a stretch where I was home EVERY weekend!! The noble Jeepie just doesn't get good gas mileage (its ONLY fault!) and finances and time just couldn't support that habit. Turns out, sometimes it's six weeks before I get to go home! It drives me crazy, but I'm okay with it. I know that I will get to go home eventually.

Well. This post was sort of (okay, really) random and you can probably tell I am tired and want to just be done with this week. So I'm off to study and perhaps have lunch (at 9:38).

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