Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today is Sibley Day. Sibley Day is a highly celebrated holiday that brings joy to thousands of college students. What's that? You've never heard of Sibley Day??

Well, it's just another Lindenwood invention. One of their better ideas, in fact. Sibley Day honors the founders of the school, George and Mary Sibley. After George quit his job as major in Andrew Jackson's Indian wars, his wife decided she wanted to start a school for young ladies. For some strange reason, they choose the wilderness of the furtrading post called St. Charles, MO, just west of the Mississippi where the Linden trees grow. That was in 1827. In 2009, the school decided to create Sibley Day. It is a day without classes, so students can enjoy some of the fun activities offered on campus, sleep, catch up on homework, or go home.

I chose the latter. I am still dog-sitting, so I loaded up the puppies and headed back to Bourbon. Here's a list of things to catch up on:

Get hay (Check)
Get feed (Check)
Get propane (Check)
Feed (Check)
Water (Currently doing)
Band Stella's (lambykin) tail and vaccinate
Work adult goats
Work on ads
Clean room
Fix fence

And some other stuff. I also went to the library and got two of my favorite books, James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small and All Things Bright and Beautiful. The former has one of my favorite quotes:

"Animals are unpredictable things so our whole life is unpredictable. It's a long tale of little triumphs and disasters and you've got to really like it to stick it. One thing, you never get bored. Here, have more whiskey."

It pretty much sums up everything about working with animals. Since I'm done with my exams for the next few weeks (they went pretty well, thanks for asking), I'm going to do some reading.

Well, off to go check the horse water and see if our excruciatingly low water pressure has filled the trough yet.

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