Friday, August 12, 2011

Well, I'm not hungry!

Well, today is the last Friday before IT BEGINS.

I think that may translate into "the last care-free Friday."


I did not go to the pre-orientation get-together because I felt crummy all day, crummy enough to feel the need to stay near a waste receptacle or toilet.

I never actually got sick, though.

I DID get a lot done. Between naps and while on ibuprofen highs, I made food! Mini foods. Besides my mini llama pizzas, I made mini chicken pot pies (to DIE for), mini meatloaves, and corn muffins. When I get some cash, I'm going to make lasagna, tacos, shepherd's pie, and spinach quiche. I'm so excited! I'll be able to grab a couple of little meals, an apple or banana, and call it lunch!

I just realized that I never introduced Tippy. Oh, Tippy. Tippy is my 12 year old Border Collie that I got when I was 8. She is the dog who introduced me to the wonderful world of dog sports. I only attained a CD title with her, but that's my fault not hers. She's absolutely fantastic. Here's a cute pic of her at age 9:

She had several bouts of pancreatitis a few years back, and was diagnosed with diabetes in May. We've got her all regulated; she gets 10 units of insulin twice a day.

She is completely blind now. She has good days and bad moments, but nothing too serious yet. Many articles I've read state that after diagnosis, you have two months to one year. We're well past the two month mark.

Honor is straight up BLOSSOMING here. I brought him along because a.) he fights with our other male Great Pyrenees, Little John, and b.) I wanted a big barking dog.

Well, he barks. I can usually get him to stop. But heaven forbid someone come over. I pretty much have to sit on his head.

And when I decided to bring him, he was a pretty mellow fellow. He must like it here better than our old home.

Imagine, for a moment, a 115 pound dog leaping around an apartment. On the couch!! Off the couch!! Under the table!! Grab the tablecloth!! Let it go quick because she's after me with a pillow!! Run!!! Leap!! Jump!!

Great Pyrenees have two outlooks on most activities. Either it is below them, or they do it with great gusto. Daily apartment calisthenics are NOT below Honor.

So we spend a lot of our days running around the field across from the duplex.

Well, I've convinced myself to make a grilled cheese, let's see if I can eat it. Then I'm going to turn in because I need to clean and pack for Sunday! I'm meeting Mom to trade the dogs for a carload of *stuff* tomorrow evening.

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