Monday, August 29, 2011

Lovin' the Life!

So let me begin by saying:


I realize this is day 6, and I'm sure that in another six days, I will be shouting the exact opposite (as the first anatomy exam approaches).

But for now, I can't help but be excited. THIS is what I've wanted to do since I can remember. THIS is why I spent a boring three years in undergrad, keeping my nose to the grindstone and doing everything in my power to make the grades.

I like studying, although I tend to fall asleep at my duplex. So I come back to campus in the evenings, set up shop in the anatomy lab, and go to town. So far, I understand everything we talk about in lecture, so that is a relief. I just need to review it, and understand what each professor is asking us to remember.

The biggest difference I see in vet school and undergrad is this: In undergrad, you learn the material for the exam, because a.) grades are a huge deal in undergrad, and b.) because 95% of the classes you take in undergrad are NOT what you will be doing for the rest of your life.

In vet school, you are learning this for LIFE. For your career. You MUST know this material. Which is not as stressful as it sounds-- in fact, it's quite exciting and motivating. I WANT to learn this stuff, so I do.

I'm trying desperately to make good, good grades in vet school, but as any 3rd or 4th year will say "C = DVM is the most important equation in vet school." Clearly, I do not want C's. However, I have to remind myself that it is more important to understand the clinical relevance of a topic than it is to memorize minute details in order to get an A.

Today I got SO excited because I realized that this is one of the last steps. I AM going to be a vet. I just have to show up, shut up, and fake it 'til I make it. I wouldn't be here if lots of people didn't think I could make it.

In four years, I will be a DVM.

For any pre-vet followers out there: Tip for Microanatomy lab. TAKE IBUPROFEN, TYLENOL, ASPIRIN, NAPROXEN, SOMETHING BEFORE LAB. My head hurts for hours after lab.

And on a less happy note: Honor spilled water all in my lovely, dear laptop. It is dead. I am not sure if I can resurrect it. Probably not. I am, at this point, praying that I can retrieve my photos and Word documents from it.

Well, back to learning origins and insertions of the muscles of the thoracic limb. They get confusing after a bit.

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