Because I am doing what I do best (procrastinating), I decided to jot a few notes about the last few days. I should be studying for my microbiology and world lit exams, but... there is only so much to know about blood agar and plate methods and Gilgamesh and the theme of revenge vs. justice in the Odyssey.
On Saturday, my little Ginny died. My mom found her when she got up to let the dogs out. Ginny was my cleft palate puppy that we tube fed for several weeks. She was finally big enough to eat food and she figured out how to drink water without it running out her nose. We took her to see Dr. Paul last week and discovered that she did have a heart defect. We didn't expect her to go this soon, though. She was full of cheer and joy; I'm glad we gave her the nine weeks she had here. Life sucks for the rest of us for whom life moves on.
I think sometimes they are yours to keep, and other times they are just on loan. At any rate, dogs should live at least as long as people.
I am currently dog-sitting for a King Charles Cavelier Spaniel (Cooper), a Maltese (Max), and a Miniature Poodle (Annie). And bird-sititng for a sun conure (Moses). Yesterday I had to leave them for a few hours to go home and tag baby goats and water horses and bury baby Ginny. I also had a trimming job in Sullivan; two pygmy-cross goats.
I have spent waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much time on It rocks, but is terrifying. I did find out that my academic evaluation score at Mizzou is 30.2, and last year's average accepted student's eval was 24.5. So that is good news for me. I also have picked out the stethoscope I want:
And I have made a list of things that need to be done if/when I get into vet school. For example:
Go to eye doctor
Get new glasses
Get prescription shades
Go to regular doctor
Load up on Singulair
Go to dentist
Get bite block
Get a tetanus vaccine
Get a rabies vaccine
Check about other vaccines
Update puppy doggies' vaccines
Update the horsies' vaccines
Find a place to live
Pack up my room
Go through clothes
Go clothes shopping
And all sorts of other things that I would like to get done...
Maybe I should get into vet school first.
And maybe I should start by studying Micro and Lit.
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