Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend Woes

It's Sunday night and the weekend is over and all I really want to know is why Mondays are necessary. I believe I would be much more productive if every weekend was a three day weekend. That leaves one day for relaxing or having "me" time, one day for life things, and one day for studying.

Instead, I get Friday afternoons for me time, Saturdays for life things and studying, and Sunday for studying.

And then things happen, like water heaters stop working and friends have awesome Visible Horse hoedowns, and my weekend turns into Friday-Saturday-Sunday "me" time, and Sunday night cram-cram-cram.

This weekend was worse: by the time Thursday afternoon rolled around, I was more or less dead and couldn't bear the thought of studying ANYMORE. So I rented the The Help, bought a pizza, and kicked back. Honor and Gonzo ate half of said pizza.

Friday was a very laid-back "me" time. I cleaned a little. I groomed the dogs. I discoved Netflix. OMG. My life will never be the same. I feel as though I was mis-using the internet my whole life.

On Saturday, I was up bright and early for another palpation lab at the dairy. I seriously love cows. They rock. I got to ultrasound one and I wasn't very good at it.

Sometimes I almost choke up when I am doing something I love and realize that this will be my career. Someone is going to PAY me to do something I enjoy doing, and I will be considered the expert. This isn't some summer job that I like, this is my LIFE. Eeee!

I did some laundry a bit of shopping and then it was time (we're still on Saturday) for an Evelyn-Stacy-Melissa-Bree-Amanda-Tora get-together!! We all brought a dish (I brought Mexican Chicken) and Amanda brought her Visible Horse and it was one of the funniest nights I've had in a long, long time. I got home after midnight and crashed into bed.

This morning, I got up and was determined to fix my hot water heater. I am not a plumber. I don't have time to deal with it, either, so that is a little inconvienent but that is there are showers at school.

I started studying about noon and now it is almost 8 and I am no where near ready for the quiz tomorrow. Oy vey. I need another day!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Food for thought

You know the worst part about being sick? Being someone who LOVES food.

I can't SMELL the food. I can't TASTE the food. I can hadly even SWALLOW the food. And yet life must go on, I still have to study, and I am still hungry. Very annoying. I made hamburgers yesterday using my super-duper fabulous-yummy hamburger recipe and I can't taste them at all. Hot tea and Southern Comfort is all it is for me.

My first large animal anatomy exam is tomorrow and I am tired of studying for it. I should really look over the lecture material some more, but I don't want to. Bleh. I will, soon.

I finally have my house allllll clean! I'm super happy about it. I really did not realize how stressful a messy house is. If you know me in person, you will know that I am domestically disabled. I have lived in clutter my whole life. But once I finally have everything unpacked and put away... woah. I don't have to worry about losing something, or making time to find something. It's fab. So. Clean your house.

The best thing about vet school so far (well, after The Awesome People) is all the superb symposiums. I'm going to the SAVMA (Student American Vet Med Association) symposium in March. The Food Animal symposium in April. The MVMA (MO vet med) symposium the end of the month. The AABP (bovine practitioners) symposium in Montreal. I'm sure the VBMA (vet med business assoc.) and the AASRP (small ruminant practitioners) have symposiums sometime. Lucky for me, most of them have free registration! So I'm just responsible for gas and hotel and networking, networking, networking. I want a fabulous job when I graduate so I can pay off all these darn loans.

My notecard FB page is finally up: Check it out! Like it! Share with your friends!

And my random thought for the day: I could really be more productive if the internet did not exist. However, then there would be no Google and I have no idea how I would pass vet school. So it should stay. But really... who knew there could be so many amazing distractions? Facebook, of course, takes a chunk of time. But then someone introduced me to Pandora... internet radio? That I control? Yes please! And then an evil person (not really, I love her to death) introduced me to Pinterest. Gah.

And then there are my favorite forums. I love forums. They are informative, stupid, dramatic, helpful and just plain awesome. Horse City, The Goat Spot, MyLamb, Student Doctor... now Hoegger Farmyard and Backyardherds. So much nonsense to sort, so little time. But seriously. Everytime I log in to one of them, I learn something. What I like most about them is that the information there is real-life, from real people. I am learning a ton from books and clinicians. Obviously they are professionals (or written by them) but there is something to be said about actual life-or-death, this-is-my-livelihood experience. I have to be careful about what I post, of course, since I don't want to be sued for malpractice or practicing without a license (that would suck), but I do enjoy offering some help.

I don't want to give up my forums, so I am trying to justify them. So far my plan is to allow myself one hour each day for searching around on all the forums. Some days I don't even touch that link. Some days I spend way too much time on them. But I'm learning!

And then, because I am on a health-diet kick (just like every January) I was introduced to to log my calories, and Fitocracy to log my exercise. So. Much. Internet.

So I'm off to drag myself away from the iPad and do some book studying. After I check my school email. And my personal email. And facebook. And my Backyardherds post. And then Facebook again.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sick day, long weekend edition

I should be studying, as always. But it is a long weekend, so I could even be cleaning or doing something constructive. Or working on cards (more on that in a minute). I could even load up the dogs and go hiking.

But I am sick, and thus, am allowing myself a sick day. It includes snuggling under the covers with the dogs and drinking lots of hot tea.

Hopefully I will be all better by tomorrow and Zach and Becca can come over. We'll see.

So it's been a month since I last posted. Semester One ended well with three B's and one A. Now we are on a block schedule, so we've got six more weeks of large animal anatomy, GI phys, microanatomy, nutrition, and developmental anatomy. Actually, large animal and developmental continue to next block. So far, so good-- I've gotten an A on one quiz and a B on one test. Our first LA anatomy test is Tuesday. Eep.

Christmas break was fun and much appreciated. I slept and slept and slept and honestly didn't get much done. Oh well. I made all my Christmas gifts-- I gave my mom a woven sunflower rug, Zach and Dad got knitted sock hats made from a WWII pattern given out by the Red Cross, and Teri got a blingy necklace for showing next summer. I got a scarf from Bec, iTunes card and a funny plaque from Zach (the plaque says "My windows aren't dirty-- that's my dog's nose art!" So true for the front window. Honor is a master artist), and a Bucket Head from Mom and Dad. It's a top for a 5 gallon bucket that turns the bucket into a shopvac!!! Awesome. They also got me some gardening tools and an omelet skillet so I can omelet to my heart's content. Christmas at the Seals' netted me all sorts of household goodies and some new clothes.

I've almost got the duplex unpacked and organized. Only took me five months, which is probably a record I wil never break.

I needed some type of income-producer, so I've started making and selling photo notecards with photos of our animals. I'm working on a Facebook page for them, but it's not quite done yet. You can hop over if you want, but I'm not taking orders until I officially publish the page. Please disregard the captions on the photos albums-- the prices are incorrect nd the collections are being rearranged. Hopefully I'll be ready in a few days.

We've had our first lamb born at home-- a very Doper-looking Dorper cross ewe named Lucille. She's out of Dorothy and Amos. Her big sister, Stella, should be due any day. Baby goats won't arrive until March or April. Boo.

That concludes this episode of the random ramblings. When I come up with something interesting to post, I'll be back!